
2023年3月1日—Standtall,maintaineyecontactandtrytousethesamevoiceandpostureeachtime.Atfirst,whenyousay“no,”physicallyremoveyourcat ...,Thismethodisreallyquitesimple.Tellthecatnoandexpecttobeignoredbecauseyoumostlikelywillbe.Whenthecatfailstoacknowledgewhatyouhave ...,2014年1月29日—Youcandothisbymovingyourcatwhenshe'ssleepingtothebedroom,andmovingheroutofthebedroomwhenshe'splaying.Ifshe'swakingy...

How To Teach Your Cat “No”

2023年3月1日 — Stand tall, maintain eye contact and try to use the same voice and posture each time. At first, when you say “no,” physically remove your cat ...

How to Tell a Cat "No" and Get It to Listen

This method is really quite simple. Tell the cat no and expect to be ignored because you most likely will be. When the cat fails to acknowledge what you have ...

How to say no to a cat? [duplicate]

2014年1月29日 — You can do this by moving your cat when she's sleeping to the bedroom, and moving her out of the bedroom when she's playing. If she's waking you ...

How do you say "no" to a cat?

2023年9月8日 — Gently redirect their attention by moving their noggin so they face you, and then say no! in a firm but not yelling voice. After that, pick ...

How do you say "No" to a cat?

2021年11月29日 — Simple. You said, “No.” in a very stern voice. Keep it low, almost showing more disappointment. Scrunch your brows in, just enough to make a ...

How To Say No To Your Cat

2022年9月30日 — Instead, highlight the displeasure in your voice by saying “no” loudly and firmly, without shouting. Your cat will pay attention to the pitch of ...